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Selectmen Minutes 11-11-04
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – November 11, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:30 – BudCom and Dept. Heads to review the proposed 2005 budgets with Selectmen
Library – Peter Wensberg presented the proposed 2005 Library Budget.  
·       Statistical Data - Mr. Wensberg reviewed statistical data to begin.  There were 253 visitors in October 2004 vs. 81 visitors in 2002 for the month of October and increase of approx. 300%. There were 19 new library cards issued in October 2004.  The last year total of 251 new library cards.  Circulation has increased for month of October by 66%.  
·       Wages - Largest increase in the budget is a result of part-time wages.  The budget reflects the 3% increase and an additional 5 hours / week.  This amounts to a total of a 12% increase in part-time wages.  That is the major increase in the budget. Library is open 27 hours a week, wages are based on 25 hours open to the public and 2 hours not open to the public.    
·       Telephone - Telephone has increased due to the addition of two lines to connect all the computers for the public to the internet.  It was suggested they look into networking the computers via a server?
·       Bldg. Rep. & Maintenance - Increased due to necessary upgrade to water & septic.  The tank that is currently there needs to be pumped 3-4 times a year, they had anticipated being hooked into town system by this time, hoping to hook up by September 2005.  
Discussion followed.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

Parks & Recreation – Molly Anfuso presented the proposed 2005 budget for Parks & Rec.
Anfuso started by stating that the Parks & Recreation Department does have line items that are going to decrease.  That is because she has kept her promise and started the revolving account and will continue to increase the account.  
The budget was reviewed line by line, with explanations if needed.  Several line items remained the same.
·       Activities - $4,200 to cover activities that are hosted by the Parks & Recreation Department.  Gradual reduction due to the revolving account.  Discussion followed with regards to the fact that the funds needed still must be budgeted, and then reimbursed through user fees and revolving account.  
·       Building Repairs & Maintenance – Repairs needed to the dugouts, bleachers & shed, New Building/Pavilion Maintenance.  Down from 2004.  Repairs to Old Shed such as re-siding, painting.
·       Contract Services – down from last year due to fertilization being removed.  Porta potties consideration to decreasing to one, but it would have to be cleaned more often due to usage increase.  Cost effective to remain with two.  Cleaning for building in this line item, however Oak Park rental of the kitchen will be responsible for this cost.
·       Part-time wages – largest increase in budget is in this line item.  There were three lifeguards this year, they were excellent employees, would like to keep them.  Wage for head lifeguard is $9.50/hour; 270 hours $2,565. 2 secondary lifeguards @ $8.50/hour; 270 hours $4,590. Other instructors (i.e. tennis, skating etc.) $2,000.   Parks & Recreation Director would like to increase her hours to 25 hours/week @ $15.00/hour for a wage of $19,500.
Discussion followed.  Road Agent, Duffy Fox asked if it would be prudent to purchase a propane tank and to further purchase propane in bulk to receive a discounted price?  Further discussion followed; The Town has propane tanks at Oak Park, The Meeting House, Highway, Library fireplace and the Town Office.  Fox will research this and report back with this information.  Deb will look into the insurance expenses associated with such a purchase, as well as an under ground tank vs. above ground.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

Election, Registration and Vital Statistics – Fran Kendall discussed her budget, there are several changes, partially due to only one election.  Mrs. Kendall asked that Motor Vehicle Permits be increased to $200,000.00.
·       Advertising – Reduced by $400.00
·       Checklist & Ballot Insp. Wages – Fran reduced this to $400.00.  She would suggest a 3% raise for the Checklist workers.  Paying the two Supervisors $5.67/hour; the new alternates would be paid $5.30/hour.  Ballot Inspectors would remain at $55.00/day.  This should be reviewed more closely before the next Election.
·       Computer Support/Maintenance – This will be broken down into support & maintenance, hardware & software.  Supervisors of the checklist would like to purchase a laptop. Discussion followed, this will be researched.  Fran & Dee both need a new computer.  There is $2,000 in the budget for that. $1500.00 for new software for the Supervisors, as well as for BMSI upgrades, $1500.00 for Support & Maintenance.
·       Meals – Reduced to $200.00
·       Town Clerk Other Compensation – Increase to $9,000.  
·       Town Clerk Deputy – Additional 4 hours/week during the day – 16 hours additional per month.  And 4 hours per month on Saturdays for an additional 20 hours per month.  Fran would like to increase the Deputy wages to $11.00/hour.   Discussion followed.  Residents would like to have daytime hours, it is often asked of the Selectmen Office Staff if/when there would ever be daytime hours for the Town Clerk.
·       Town Clerk Salary – Increase to $4,605.00/year

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

Fire Department – Fire Chief Loren White reviewed the proposed 2005 budget.
Al Burtt asked about the 2004 warrant article for $12,644.00, which has not been expended to date.  It was explained to Mr. Burtt the town is encumbering this money, it will not show in the budget 2005, by encumbering the funds it will allow the Fire Dept. an additional year to locate a rescue truck.  Aaron Kullgren asked about the line item overage of $9,000 for equipment replacement?  It was explained that this was/will be reimbursed through a grant.  
·       Maintenance – Building Maintenance increased maintenance by $500.00; this will cover the McGurty Maintenance contract.  The price is not going up, the amount was not accurate in the past.
·       Security Alarm System – Chief White asked about the security system.  White asked about the $1,200.00 that was paid in 2004 and will the budget ‘05 reflect actual expenditure.  Discussion followed, the answer to White’s question was yes the ’05 budget would be the final capital expenditure, other than maintenance.  The alarm system will be installed in ’04 with the final payment in ’05.  Aaron Kullgren asked if Deb could ask the accountant to reflect the alarm installation as an expense in 04, whereas we are an accrual based accounting system.
·       Warrant Article – Chief White presented a warrant article for a grant for SCBA equipment in the amount of $125,000.  Of which $12,000 is to be paid by taxpayers, and the remainder to be paid by a Federal Grant.  This warrant article will be reviewed and rewritten.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

Police Department – Chief, Brian Giammarino explained his revenues, he explained the town would be reimbursed for the grant funds that were spent.  
·       Warrant Article – Chief Giammarino discussed a proposed warrant article for approximately $23,000 for a new cruiser.  He is still working on the details for the price.  Giammarino discussed his reasoning for this, the cruiser is in good shape, but it is an emergency vehicle, it has 140,000 miles and is getting worn, “when it is needed it needs to be dependable”.  Selectman Dumas stated that we would finance this over two years.  Bruce Dodge asked what was wearing on the car? Giammarino stated that it is just normal wear and tear.  A bearing has gone in it; the vehicle is not a good emergency vehicle.  On another note, Linda Nickerson asked about insurances, she stated there are no increases? There are no definite prices yet; they will be addressed by the end of November.  Aaron Kullgren asked how long a new cruiser would last 2, 3 or 4 years? Giammarino stated 6. Selectman Rainier commented it would be on a cycle for the CIP for every two years, to keep replacing the cars.
·       Part-Time Wages – It was asked why are part-time wages down?  Giammarino explained, he would like to have $1,000.00 of the part-time budget go to Officer Foster for his on call time.  Aaron Kullgren asked if Giammarino had a contract for his salary? Giammarino responded that he does not.
·       Gasoline - Discussion on gas expenditure followed, as did expenditures for the outfitting of police officers.
Road Agent- Duffy Fox – Discussed he has a pretty flat budget, but wanted to touch on the increase lines
·       Electricity – This line has an increase due to an increase last January, which put us over
·       Full time wages – This reflects the 3% with an additional $1.00 to be given to another employee who is working out very well.  The increase will be made from part-time wages to be reduced.  
·       Fuel – This has increased $2,000.00, just a guess doesn’t know where that item is going.
·       Salt & Sand – There is a  $12/ton increase for salt.
·       Sealing & Tarring - Increase this line by 5% due to oil prices increasing, this will allow the Highway Crew to get the same amount of road completed.
·       Supervisor Wage - increase of 3% and $1.00/hour.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

·       Road reconstruction - Will be increased to $120,000, would like to do repairs to the New Boston Road area before the subdivisions and developments get started.        
·       Warrant Article – Will be submitting a warrant article for the last of the trucks needed.  The cost of this will be approximately $64,000 fully equipped.  This is an F-550.

On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – No update at this time.  Next payroll cycle the remaining funds for the bay will be disbursed.   The funds will be based on a prorated basis.  .  Per the board of selectmen, all of the electrical expenses from the warrant article will be moved to the building repairs & maintenance line item.  Any expenses forward will be expensed towards the recycling budget, not the warrant article.  
Selectmen were asked - Who would be approving A/P while Frank is out?  Discussion followed, it was agreed the Selectmen would approve the A/P in Frank’s absence.
Other Business:
Minutes - Accepted the minutes of November 4, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Mtg. House –
·       Rental refund - Virginia Williams rented the Meeting House on October 16, 2004 for the political canvassing.  Upon arrival to set up and make lunches, the GIVers were in the kitchen, the political canvassing people, were not able to use the Mtg. House for their intended purpose.  It is being requested that Mrs. Williams be refunded her money for the rental.  Further discussion.
Decision: Selectmen voted to return Mrs. Williams her $60.00 for the rental of the Mtg. House.  A letter to be sent to the GIVer’s.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

·       Religious pamphlets – It was brought to the attention of the Selectmen that, in the Mtg. House space, there are religious pamphlets in view for all.  Some of these pamphlets could be/are offensive to those whose beliefs are not the same as those who attend the Greenfield Congregational Church.  Discussion followed.
Decision: A letter will be sent to the church asking that they be sure the pamphlets are not able to be viewed by public.  If covering the board is not sufficient they need to take other action.
Road signs – It had been brought to Selectmen’s attention that Thomas Dr./Blanchard Hill Rd. stop signs have been removed, it was questioned why? When will they be replaced?  They have been replaced.
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R, A/P & Invoices
·       McCanna Fund Allotment – no decision will remain on the agenda.
·       Holiday Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule – Selectmen reviewed their calendars and further reviewed dates for November.  Due to Thanksgiving Holiday Selectmen cancelled their meeting for November 23.  If something arises and we must meet Selectman Brooks stated he was willing to work around his schedule.  Selectmen will look at December at another time.
·       Selectmen’s Office will be closed on Tuesday, November 16, 2004 in the afternoon – The reason the office will be closed is due to training for Deb & Catherine in Concord.
·       Note to general staff re:  Parking at Town Office – The Handicap Parking spot has been blocked on several occasions.  Employees must park in the parking lot out back and keep the handicapped parking spot for those who need it.  The Town Clerk will be the only exception to this.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2004

Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
Budget/Personnel Policies –
·       Approve updated personnel policies.   Changes to be considered.
Paycheck availability (Change written to be Friday, 12:00 Noon) -
O/T – After 8 hours or after 40?  Discussion followed; Selectmen will continue to think about this, no decision was made.     
Encumber Funds: Motion by Selectman Rainier to encumber $12,471.00 of the 2004 approved warrant articles for the purpose of purchasing a Fire Dept. Rescue Truck.  If funds are not expended in 2005, this encumbered amount will lapse and be returned to the voters.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted: Affirmatively - Unanimously  
Insurance – Selectmen reviewed a quote from the Local Government Center to combine all municipal insurances.  Unemployment Compensation, Life, STD, Health, Property Liability, Workers Comp.  The cost would be a flat price for 3 years of $7,716.56, a savings of almost $13,000/year.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 5:45 pm.